comparison n. 1.比较,对照;类似。 2.【语法】比较法;【修辞学】比喻。 There is no comparison between the two. 两者无法相比。 bear [stand] comparison with 不亚于,比得上。 beyond comparison 天壤之别;不可相比。 by comparison 比较起来。 Comparisons are odious [odorous]. 不怕不识货,只怕货比货;不和人家比,不显自己臭。 in comparison with 和…比起来。 without comparison 无与伦比。
Gets types from the assembly or module for comparison to the search string -从程序集或模块中获取类型,以便与搜索字符串进行比较。
To a developer , xquery looks a lot like sql , so it s natural for comparisons to be made 对于开发人员来说, xquery很像sql ,自然而然地对两者加以比较。
Route response times and specific link path information are logged and can be easily accessed for comparison to current conditions 路由响应时间和特定链路路径信息被记录,并可以很容易地访问,用于与当前条件的比较。
The autoscaling base size is used by the form as a baseline for comparison to the system s font size to determine how much to scale the form when autoscaling is used 窗体将自动缩放基大小用作与系统的字体大小进行比较的基准,以确定使用自动缩放时窗体的缩放量。
The main reason for this is not to look for signs of heart disease , but to have a baseline for comparison to help interpret any potential abnormal ecg findings in the future 这样做的目的不为找寻心脏病的迹象,而在于取得比较基线,有助于解读未来任何潜在的异常心电图表现。
The primary objectives of the project were to establish the range of the dolphin population throughout the estuary and to compile a photographic catalogue of individual dolphins , for comparison to the existing wwf hong kong dolphin catalogue 是项项目的主要目标是确定海豚种群在河口的出没范围,同时为个别海豚编制照片目录,以比较世界自然基金会现有的海豚目录。